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Client Portal

Welcome to your Personalised Client Portal

Welcome to your personalised CRM platform. Here you will be able to view and download key documentation regarding your property, as well as any updates.


Keep track of compliance documentation

We use this bespoke CRM platform to monitor our clients’ building compliance documents and ensure it is all up to date. Each client has their own personal login details to access their platform where they can log in to see information from the latest inspection we have carried out, as well as the current compliance documentation for the property. LOWE’s key policy documents for water hygiene, fire safety, health and safety and Covid-19 are also stored here, as well as updated monthly reports and signed finance and legal documents.

Account Management

With a dedicated Partnership Manager, all of our clients have a reliable, single point of contact to help with any enquiries and requests. Your Partnership Manager is contactable any time during business hours and can help arranging access, submitting and overseeing applications for the removal of business rates, providing any necessary information for insurance purposes, creating reports, and working on proactive PR opportunities.