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Property Week: Diversity Must Be Celebrated

Tim Lowe discusses the tangible benefits of a diverse workforce and supporting inclusion at all levels of the property industry.

“It is essential that we in the property industry emphasise the tangible benefits of a diverse workforce and take concrete actions to support inclusion at all levels. The pace of change must be accelerated to truly reflect the diversity of the society we serve.

One thing that strikes me about diversity-related communications in the property world is a major focus on visibility and raising awareness, while very little is said about the actual positives of a diverse workforce.

If we are to ‘celebrate diversity, then we should be celebrating the huge advantages of having a better ethnic, social and gender balance. This includes recognising how diverse teams can foster innovation by bringing different perspectives, leading to more creative solutions and improved problem-solving.

We have never considered quotas or headcounts, but through this organic approach to recruitment, we have arrived at a diverse team that is representative of the areas in which we operate, and of London as a whole. It is my firmly held belief that this has been vital to the success of our business.

Read the full article here.