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Domestic Abuse Support Worker at Brighton Refuge, Stonewater

From a young age Eilish has been inspired by the work of those who advocate for equality and social change and ensuring the voices of marginalised groups are represented. The work she does reflects these values, and it’s important to her that she can make a positive impact at both an individual and a societal level. For the past three and a half years Eilish has been involved with supporting young people, adults and families who are facing adversities.

Before this role she was supporting teenagers in sheltered accommodation who were at risk of homelessness, where she saw patterns emerging with the young people she was supporting. For example, a significantly high number of care-leavers become homeless; and many care-leavers experience domestic abuse in childhood. These patterns helped her to better understand the complex impact of trauma and abuse in childhood, and how this can go on to shape an adult’s life. It is through this line of work that Eilish realised she wanted to pursue a career in Children’s Social work, and she was recently offered a place on a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work Training programme – a fully funded course which will allow her to become a qualified social worker in 14 months.

As a LOWE Guardian, Eilish was drawn to living with like-minded people, making use of a space which would otherwise be empty and bringing life back into a building. For her to live creatively, and as part of a wider collective is an important part of her life, and Eilish hopes to translate this in her role as a LOWE Ambassador, being part of a collective action and meeting other like-minded guardians through the LOWE network.

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